Opposite of property

Opposite of prophecy

Opposite of prophetic

Opposite of prophylactic

Opposite of propinquity

Opposite of propitiate

Opposite of propitiation

Opposite of propitious

Opposite of proportion

Opposite of proposal

Opposite of propose

Opposite of proposed

Opposite of proposition

Opposite of propound

Opposite of propped

Opposite of proprietor

Opposite of prorogation

Opposite of prorogue

Opposite of prosaic

Opposite of proscribe

Opposite of prose

Opposite of prosecute

Opposite of prosecution

Opposite of prosecutor

Opposite of proselyte

Opposite of prospect

Opposite of prospectus

Opposite of prosper

Opposite of prosperity

Opposite of prosperous

Opposite of prostitute

Opposite of prostrate

Opposite of prosy

Opposite of protect

Opposite of protected

Opposite of protecting

Opposite of protection

Opposite of protective

Opposite of protector

Opposite of protest