Opposite of progress-n

Opposite of progression

Opposite of progressive

Opposite of prohibit

Opposite of prohibition

Opposite of project

Opposite of project-n

Opposite of project-v

Opposite of projected

Opposite of projectile

Opposite of projection

Opposite of prolific

Opposite of prolix

Opposite of prolong

Opposite of prolongation

Opposite of prominence

Opposite of prominent

Opposite of promise

Opposite of promising

Opposite of promontory

Opposite of promote

Opposite of promoting

Opposite of promotion

Opposite of prompt

Opposite of prompting

Opposite of promptitude

Opposite of promulgate

Opposite of promulgation

Opposite of promulge

Opposite of prone

Opposite of pronounce

Opposite of pronunciation

Opposite of proof

Opposite of prop

Opposite of prop-n

Opposite of propagate

Opposite of propagation

Opposite of propel

Opposite of propension

Opposite of proper