Opposite of persuasive

Opposite of pert

Opposite of pert-a

Opposite of pertinacious

Opposite of pertinacity

Opposite of pertinence

Opposite of pertinent

Opposite of perturbation

Opposite of pervade

Opposite of perverse

Opposite of perverseness

Opposite of perversion

Opposite of pervert

Opposite of pervious

Opposite of pest

Opposite of pester

Opposite of pestilential

Opposite of pet

Opposite of pet-n

Opposite of petition

Opposite of petrify

Opposite of pettiness

Opposite of pettish

Opposite of petty

Opposite of phantasmagoria

Opposite of phantasy

Opposite of pharisaical

Opposite of pharisaism

Opposite of phariseeism

Opposite of phenomenon

Opposite of philanthropic

Opposite of philanthropist

Opposite of philippic

Opposite of philosopher

Opposite of philosophical

Opposite of philosophy

Opposite of phlegmatic

Opposite of phrensy

Opposite of physic

Opposite of physical