Opposite of light-a word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the opposite of light-a.
- adequate
- ballasted
- burdened
- cautious
- compact
- dark
- dark-colored
- earnest
- encumbered
- firm
- full
- grave
- hard
- heavy
- immovable
- important
- indigestible
- laden
- lazy
- leaden
- liable
- loaded
- oppressed
- ponderous
- principled
- reflective
- reliable
- sensible
- serious
- solid
- steady
- stiff
- thoughtful
- violent
- weighed
- weighty
- well-considered
- well-weighed
Hope the above listing of antonyms for light-a is useful. This page may interest people looking for the opposite of light-a and light-a opposite.
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