Opposite of strap

Opposite of stratagem

Opposite of stray

Opposite of stream

Opposite of strength

Opposite of strengthen

Opposite of strengthless

Opposite of strenuous

Opposite of stress

Opposite of stretch

Opposite of strict

Opposite of stricture

Opposite of strife

Opposite of strike

Opposite of stringency

Opposite of strip

Opposite of stripling

Opposite of stripping

Opposite of strive

Opposite of stroke

Opposite of stroking

Opposite of strong

Opposite of strong-minded

Opposite of strongminded

Opposite of structure

Opposite of struggle

Opposite of strumpet

Opposite of stubborn

Opposite of student

Opposite of studied

Opposite of studious

Opposite of study

Opposite of study-n

Opposite of stuff

Opposite of stultify

Opposite of stultifying

Opposite of stun

Opposite of stunted

Opposite of stuntedness

Opposite of stupendous