Opposite of head

Opposite of heal

Opposite of healed

Opposite of healing

Opposite of health

Opposite of healthful

Opposite of healthiness

Opposite of healthy

Opposite of heap

Opposite of heaped up

Opposite of hearsay

Opposite of heart

Opposite of heartbroken

Opposite of heartily

Opposite of heartiness

Opposite of hearty

Opposite of heat

Opposite of heathenish

Opposite of heave

Opposite of heaven

Opposite of heavenly

Opposite of heaviness

Opposite of heavy

Opposite of hebetude

Opposite of hector-v

Opposite of heed

Opposite of heed-v

Opposite of heedful

Opposite of heedless

Opposite of heedlessness

Opposite of height

Opposite of heighten

Opposite of heinous

Opposite of hell

Opposite of hellish

Opposite of helming

Opposite of help-v

Opposite of helper

Opposite of helpful

Opposite of helplessness