Opposite of charming

Opposite of chary

Opposite of charybdis

Opposite of chase

Opposite of chase-v

Opposite of chaste

Opposite of chasten

Opposite of chasteness

Opposite of chastise

Opposite of chastity

Opposite of chat

Opposite of chattels

Opposite of chatter

Opposite of chattering

Opposite of chatting

Opposite of chatty

Opposite of cheap

Opposite of cheapen

Opposite of cheat

Opposite of cheat-n

Opposite of cheat-v

Opposite of check

Opposite of check-n

Opposite of check-v

Opposite of cheer

Opposite of cheer-n

Opposite of cheered

Opposite of cheerful

Opposite of cheering

Opposite of cheerless

Opposite of cheers

Opposite of cherish

Opposite of cherished

Opposite of cherishing

Opposite of cherub

Opposite of chew

Opposite of chicanery

Opposite of chide

Opposite of chief

Opposite of chieftain