Opposite of conform

Opposite of conformable

Opposite of conformance

Opposite of conformity

Opposite of confound

Opposite of confounded

Opposite of confront

Opposite of confuse

Opposite of confused

Opposite of confusedly

Opposite of confusedness

Opposite of confusion

Opposite of confutation

Opposite of confute

Opposite of conge

Opposite of congeal

Opposite of congealed

Opposite of congelation

Opposite of congenial

Opposite of congeniality

Opposite of congenital

Opposite of congestion

Opposite of conglomerate

Opposite of conglutinate

Opposite of congratulate

Opposite of congratulation

Opposite of congregate

Opposite of congregation

Opposite of congregational

Opposite of congress

Opposite of congruous

Opposite of conjecture

Opposite of conjecture-v

Opposite of conjectured

Opposite of conjoin

Opposite of conjoined

Opposite of conjuncture

Opposite of conjure

Opposite of connate

Opposite of connect